
“It just feels good.”

Destiny / Exotic aggressive shotgun
Exotic perk: Cathartic release  
If your melee ability is ready, landing every pellet on a target will also apply your melee ability. Kills with every pellet landing reduces the cooldown of your melee ability by 20 percent.
Second perk: One-two punch
Comes with smoothbore to increase spread and make it not as easy to land every pellet from a distance. Encourages you to get close and take advantage of the other perk.


“You know what the word ‘catharsis’ means?”

The warlock didn’t respond right away. He considered faking he heard the question, buying himself some time to consider how best to approach this situation. Instead, he went with what he knows best, not even deigning to look.

“I’m honestly surprised that you know that word.”

Her voice boomed.

“Hah. Right. I get it. I’m a titan. We punch things and eat colorful wax. It’s funny.”

His eyes darted her direction, but he didn’t get a chance to respond.

“It was rhetorical, anyway. It means that when you do something for yourself, it makes you feel good. Gives you relief from all those repressed emotions you’ve got swirling around inside of your head.”

Catharsis? Rhetorical? What’s going on? This isn’t like her.

“Yeah, I know what it means,” he said, finally turning his head to her. “How did y-”

“That’s what this gun is for me.”

The warlock, so caught up in his data entry, and this sudden word-puzzle, hadn’t realized that his companion was wielding a gun he’d never seen before. A big gun.

“Each time I pull this trigger,” the titan said, pausing to show off her prize, “I feel SO much better.”

“What? But? Huh? Where did you even get that thing?”

She shrugged.

“Don’t worry about it.”

“What do you mean ‘don’t worry about it?’”

“I mean just that. Don’t worry about it. I wanted to share what makes me happy with you. Sorry.”

The warlock felt a slight wave of guilt.

“Fine then. I’m happy for you.”

The titan smiled at him and then looked down at her new toy once more.

“It’s good to be able to relieve stress in these times,” he said. “You know, I’m pretty impressed.”

“Oh? That I understand what feelings are?”

“No,” he said, picking up on her snark. “That you have any semblance of a vocabulary.”

The titan looked up from the source of her catharsis and stared an unblinking hole into her warlock friend.
