Weird times


It’s been a while since I’ve updated this website.

And I took that break for myriad reasons with dozens of intentions of returning earlier, but the end of the world as we know it seems as good a time as any to jump back to the grind.

And that’s probably why I took that extended break in the first place – seeing as how I just described it.


A lot has happened in the, oh, what is it, almost seven dang months since I last updated here? That’s a lot of money for a portfolio to just sit here waiting for eyes to wander across it. But hey, if you’re an employer looking at those, welcome! We should chat after this. And if you’re here for other reasons (or just that), scroll on down to the bottom and check out my Ko-fi (give me some money before you go, yeah?) and follow me on Twitter to look at all my dumb video game and pro wrestling tweets.*

But rather than wax-ever-so-poetic about the 200+ days that have happened in the world of Chad, let’s just go over the big-ticket items in a rapid-fire manner. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it.

  • Drove a lot. Seriously. Christmas was like a billion million miles behind the wheel in the span of a week or two. It was awful. Holidays were fun, driving still sucks. Chicago is a bad place. For traffic at least; I’m sure its people are lovely.

  • Got a new hat. It’s one of those baker boys. I’m told it looks k. I guess it looks k.

  • Figured out what the etiquette was for completely removing someone from your life. That was a weird one to learn. I still wonder about it a lot. Hard to ask for tips on that one, you know? Kind of got to just go with it, I guess.

  • Came up with a character I want to explore more stuff with. You all might like it too. I’m hopeful you can read it soon.

  • Crushed a ghost by running a sub-29 5k. (28:48, aw yeah)

  • Reached more than 100 pounds lost since Easter 2019. Aw. Yeah.

And all that results in me physically feeling pretty :D and everything else feeling pretty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But that’s, uh, that’s like about it. At least, those are big notes to, well, note. But that’s then and this is now and yall, this is some crazy times we’re in, huh?

And yeah, of course I’ve got thoughts about how society is crumpling under the weight of Coronavirus and its resultant Covid-19, and how everything is going on lockdown, and how toilet paper is a conversation I can’t escape no matter what and like I can’t believe how many people actually want to talk to me about butts and cleaning them during the collapse of civilization like seriously – but it’s nothing you haven’t already read. Mostly the same stock “wow this is crazy, people are crazy, everything is weird. You ever notice how everything is weird? Literally everything is weird.”

It’s just weird times to be living in.

But how much weirder will it get? You know, tempt Fate and all that. Underhand toss some suggestions Fate’s way and see which one it can swing at. Live a little in these weird times. What’s the worst that could happen? You know, it could be the last weird time ever.

Not to say that this is the end, but maybe after this everything stays normal. Maybe that’d be the weird one.


  • Some folks realize that their dragon’s hoard of gold they’ve burrowed themselves under for months wasn’t the best line of thinking after a band of dwarves and a hobbit raid their mountainside and make off with all their toilet paper.

  • Cats walk around with their tails down for a change.

  • Talking about butts finally stops.

  • HR was prepared for the deluge of emails they got from employees who realized they could remain pretty dang efficient from home after all, despite the end of the world, and wind up agreeing with the suggestions of increased leave and stuff. They actually forward them.

  • People get really good with computers and video games and stuff as a result of being quarantined for 18 months. IT job opportunities plummet as people realize “wait, you could just Google all this stuff?”

  • Administrative officials realize what a bad idea saying this could last 18 months was.

  • Every laid off person actually gets their jobs back and things are fantastic.

  • It actually oh god, wait. Wait. Eighteen months?

  • That’s like a year and a half.

  • That’s a long time.

  • OK. Breathe a little.

  • Breathe.

  • Yeah, but you aren’t breathing though.

  • Why aren’t yo

  • Don’t let the creeping anxiety take over.

  • Don’t.

  • C’mon. K-keep trying.

  • Breathe.

  • Society doesn’t crumble and everything gets better.

  • I get way more regular with updates at this website

So yeah, go ahead Fate, knock ‘em out of the park. Show us what you got!

That last one got real weird though. My bad.

Thanks for reading.

*There’s some cat videos there too. Follow @chadabs for that. That’s the big draw, really.