And now for something I hope you'll really enjoy


It’s been a longtime coming, but it’s here.

With the launch of my website, it’s my hope to get back in touch with the creative side of my writing, as well as giving readers loads of entertaining content to read. Being a journalist for seven years creates some rigidity in structure and rules, so it’s nice to let my hair down and just go.

Here’s what you can look forward to:

Blogs are self-explanatory in what you can find when you click that tab. You get off-the-cuff, not nearly as fine-tuned thoughts from the only person working on this website. These posts are designed to keep readers up to date with what I’m doing and working on, as well as any other fun ideas and things I’ve come across. Like this cat of mine, Festus.

Adventures is all non-fiction stories retold as best as I can recall them. I flat-out love telling stories and I especially enjoy telling real ones. That’s what drew me to journalism and news. But I’ve so often been telling the stories of other people that I’ve neglected all the stories that I’ve been part of. And let me tell you, there’s a lot to choose from. Everyone’s got a story to tell and I’ve got plenty to share.

Storygank is a fun little initiative designed to maintain a sense of journalism somewhere inside it. Within that tab you’ll find looks at forms of media that I consume and the stories they contain. It will be mostly video games, but there will be books and movies at some point, as well, I’m sure. Not so much story analyses or deep dives into how this does this and that does that. It’s a little more basic than that. Essentially, it’s “here’s a story that I think is pretty great and here’s why.” Ideally, there aren’t many articles that look at the bad stories. It’s too easy to be negative.

The plan is for Adventures to be updated every other Saturday and Storygank every other Wednesday with fresh, lengthy content designed to entertain and maybe draw a thought or two out. It’ll go great with your coffee.

Have fun!